Minggu, 22 November 2009

Introduce Myself

hai sobat blogger semuanya...

Nama saya Tito Fairuz Nuriadi. Supaya lebih mudah memanggilnya, cukup panggil saya Tito. Saya lahir di Bandung 27 Maret 1994. Saya tinggal di Komplek Margahayu Raya Barat JL. Neptunus Timur I blok K II / 50 Bandung. Saat ini saya bersekolah di SMA Plus Al - Ghifari Bandung. Tepatnya di JL. Cisaranten Kulon no. 40 Bandung. Aktifitas saya saat ini selain sekolah yaitu les bahasa Inggris, dan tak lupa latihan basket setiap hari sabtu sore di sekolah saya dahulu di SMP Negeri 34 Bandung bersama teman - teman seangkatan saya dan juga bersama adik adik kelas saya tercinta.

Ingin mengenal lebih dekat tentang saya, silahkan anda add berikut ini :

Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Tito.Fairuz.Nuriadi

twitter : tito_souldier

Cukup sekian yang bisa saya sampaikan.
Terimakasih sudah mengunjungi blog saya.
Kritik dan saran dari anda semua saya tunggu demi kemajuan blog ini.
Terimakasih pula atas perhatian anda semua.

Salam Blogger !!

Selasa, 17 November 2009

Tompi - Menghujam Jantungku

Segenap hatiku selalu memujamu
Seluruh jiwa kupersembahkan untukmu
Sepenuh cintaku merindukan dirimu
Seutuh gejolak membakar hatiku

Seperti cahaya hadirmu di duniaku
Seperti ribuan bintang yang menghujam jantungku


Kau membuatku merasakan
Indahnya jatuh cinta
Indahnya dicintai
Saat kau jadi milikku

Oh, takkan kulepaskan
Dirimu oh, cintaku
Teruslah kau bersemi
Di dalam lubuk hatiku

Back to Bridge:

Minggu, 15 November 2009

Warteg Boyz - Okelah Kalo Begitu

Bangun pagi bangun pagi
Nggak ada roti nggak ada kopi
Laper lagi laper lagi
Adanya nasi sama teri

Okelah kalo begitu
Okelah kalo begitu
Okelah kalo begitu
Okelah kalo begitu

Lima hari nggak mandi
Kulit udah banyak daki
Perempuan pada lari
Katanya, "I am sorry"


Mengapa...... mengapa......
Mengapa...... oh menyedihkan....

Mogok lagi mogok lagi
Motor mati mesin brenti
Aki busi belum ganti
Aku jadi jalan kaki

Okelah kalo begitu
Okelah kalo begitu
Okelah kalo begitu
Okelah kalo begitu

Tiba-tiba HP bunyi
Hp bunyi keras sekali
Gua jawab dia memaki
Tukang kredit nagih janji

Okelah gua bayarin
Okelah gua lunasin
Okelah gua bayarin
Okelah gua lunasin


Ya udahlah kalo begitu
Ya udahlah kalo begitu
Ya udahlah kalo begitu
Ya udahlah kalo begitu

Nggak kerasa laper lagi
Mangan nasi karo jantung
Mau bayar aku keki
Dompetku dibawa lari

Gimana kalo begitu?
Gimana kalo begitu?
Gimana kalo begitu?
Gimana sih kalo begitu?

Pak tolong dong pak

ingin download lagunya ? klik disini aja !!


Jumat, 13 November 2009

Saykoji - Online

**siang malam ku selalu
menatap layar terpaku
untuk on line on line
on line on line
jari dan keyboard beradu
pasang earphone dengar lagu
aku on line online
on line on line

verse 1:
tidur telat bangun pagi pagi
nyalain komputer online lagi
bukan mau ngetik kerjaan
e-mail tugas diserahkan
tapi malah buka facebook
padahal face masih ngantuk
beler kayak orang mabuk
pala naik turun ngangguk-ngangguk
sambil ngedownload empitri
colok i pod usb kiri
ngecekin postingan forum
apa ada balesannye? belum
biar belum sikat gigi belum mandi
tapi kalo belum on line paling anti
liat friendster myspace, youtube
me and him, everybody you too

back to **

verse 2:
nah udah mandi siap berangkat
langsung cabut takut terlambat
tak lupa flash disk gantung di leher
malah lupa sepatu jadi nyeker
flashdisk isinya bokep atau lagu
kalau ada kerjaanpun gue ragu
kalo emang berani coba pada ngaku
cek isi foldernya satu satu
di kantor online pakai proxy
walau diblok server bisa dilolosi
namanya udah ketagihan internet
produktifitaspun kepepet
jam kerja malah chatting ym
ngobrol online sama ehehem
atasan lewat langsung klik data
pura pura kerja di depan mata

back to **

makan siangpun aku cari sinyal wifi
mengapa ku kecanduan oh why why
kadang terasa bagai tak berdaya
ingin ku berubah.. eh ada e-mail dah dulu ya

verse 3:
cek e-mail spam semua
email benerannya cuma dua
yang satu email lama
yang satu forwardan yang sama
ngarep komentar buka friendster
loading, gue tinggal beser
pas balik ngecek komputer kok lagi maintenance server
ya udah download lagu
bajakan gratis gak pake ragu
saykoji satu album
setengah jam bisa rampung
sore sore bosen hambar
ide nakal cari cari gambar
download video dengan sabar
ketahuan pacar digampar

back to **

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

China and the 21st Century Part 1

The vehicle that has created the opportunity for China to emerge as a great power has been its superior economic performance. Since Deng Xiaoping's announcement in the late 1970s of China's "Four Modernizations" Program, an effort designed to bring about economic reform and an opening to the outside world, China has experienced extraordinary growth. According to the State Statistics Bureau, the Chinese economy grew 9.7 percent in 1996 and was predicted to grow 10.5 percent in 1997. China has had the world's fastest growing economy for the past several years. For the past 15 years, it has experienced nearly a 10 percent growth rate. Even the most pessimistic of analysts believe that China wil likely grow at a rate of at least 5 percent per year, which means the gross national product (GNP) could double every 12 years. The real question for China is not whether it will continue to grow, but how quickly it will continue to do so.
There is no economic or systemic reason why China's economy could not continue expanding rapidly for at least the next decade. Many other poor countries have been able to sustain growth for prolonged periods; Japan saw 10 percent growth from 1950 to 1970, South Korea 9 percent per year from 1962 to 1987, and Indonesia 6 to 8 percent for the past 28 years. High growth is a function of adopting modern production processes and eliminating inefficiencies. China can do both. A high savings rate (one-third to two-fifths of national income) means that it can afford to invest in neccesary advanced technology. A bloated state sector implies abundant waste (a recent survey found as many as 90 percent of state-owned enterprises were overstaffed, with the average level of surplus workers at 25 percent).
One might wonder what has taken China so long to achieve this economic growth. It has substantial national resources, a reasonably well-educated labor force, a large territory and population, and a high national savings rate. But as China began to shift from a traditional planned economy (reflected in economic policies adopted between 1949 and 1978) to a socialist market economy, the extensive economic expansion was able to occur. By the 1990s, China's role in the international community was transformed. Deng Xiaoping embraced the international market both for goods and capital as well as capital investment and left Maoist ideology that supported the national policy of economic independence. The result was that by 1993, China was the world's 10th largest exporter, 10th largest importer, and the largest recipient of foreign investment. Replacement of inefficient enterprises, reformation of the market sector, and allowance for privatization of economic enterprise have all helped stimulate the domestic economy. This economic growth has made some believe that China will become the world's largest economy by 2010. According to the international Monetary Fund, China is already the world's second-largest economy.

To Be Continued